There will be one multiple choice question from chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 4, chapter 6, chapter 7, chapter 9 and chapter 10. Inter part 2 fsc part 2 online physics lectures inter part 2. Fsc first year physics chapter 1 online mcq test for 1st year physics chapter 1 measurements preparation this online test contains mcqs about following topics. Physics subject 12th class fsc part 2 notes are available on beeducated. Role of semiconductors in electronics and briefly describes about junction and deplection region,ptype and ntype pn junction diode. You can download all the numericals, notes and questions. These videos are free to use for promotional and commercial purpose by keeping the credits to maktab. Find fsc physics notes for class 12 of all boards of pakistan here. Practical readings of physics 1st year and 2nd year for all boards of pakistan. In some cases, you likewise accomplish not discover the publication. Physics of intermediate part 1 or1st year is considered as one of the most important subjects to study. Fsc part 1 physics chapter 1 measurements online test.
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It has lectures from punjab board, federal board, sindh board, khyber. Get 1st year, fsc part 1 computer science video lectures online free for pakistani. Though, there are many definitions of physics, yet it can be defined as the study of the properties of matter, energy and their mutual relationship is called physics. Installing download fsc ics physics part 1 solved notes for pc windows and mac can be helpful in case your android device is running short of storage. Free pdf download the book physics is for class 11th inter part 1. Introduction to physics physical quantities international system of units significant figures precision and accuracy assessment of total uncertainity in the final result. Fsc physics book 1, ch 1, numericals problems, problem no. These notes are very helpful to prepare physics paper of fsc part 1 for federal board, multan board, faisalabad board, sargodha board, gujranwala board, dg khan board, rawalpindi board or any other board of punjab, pakistan. Prepare online for fsc part 1, 11th class physics chapter 3 online mcq test with answers pdf, fsc part 1 book 1 physics chapter 3 motion and force.
This video lecture from electromagnetic induction f. This book was written as a project of the ibm international technical support. First year physics chapter 11 online mcq test for 1st year physics chapter 11 optical instruments. Notes on fsc part 2 physics text book punjab text book board, lahore pakistan will provide you ultimate help in your examination preparation. Understanding optical communications the free information society. Fsc physics book1, ch 9, lec 7 position of fringes video. First year chemistry covers introduction to atom, contribution of different scientists in its.
They also have what they call a give away page, which is over page 1. These notes includes topic wise long questions and shot questions. These videos are free to use for promotional and commercial purpose. In this online lecture, momal attiq explains fisrt year physics chapter 1 measurements. The curry college communication department is proud to host a chapter of. Prepare online for fsc part 1, 11th class physics chapter 2 online mcq test with answers pdf, fsc part 1 book 1 physics chapter 2 vectors and equilibrium cbse class 11 physics questions for chapter kinematics. Fsc physics book 1, ch 1,scientific notations inter part 1 physics. Fsc physics book2, ch 12, lec 9 gausss law and its. Notes on fsc physics text book for different boards of pakistan will provide you ultimate help in your examination preparation.
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In this online lecture, momal attiq explains fisrt year physics chapter no 1 measurements. The course in physics lays stress on the development of scientific. However, students of ics can either choose physics, economics or statistics. Fsc physics book2, ch 12, lec 8 electric flux through a sphere having charge q at its centre. Very helpful notes for the students of 1st year to prepare their paper of physics according to syllabus given by federal board of intermediate and secondary education fbise, faisalabad board, multan board, sargodha board, dg khan board, gujranwala.
Heat and thermodynamics of physics xi for fsc part 1 published by punjab textbook board, lahore. This book gives students a brief information about electricity, magnetism and their interaction. For 1 st year students, the physics paper is based on mcqs, short questions and long questions. Fsc physics book 1, ch 1, significant figures inter part 1 physics. Introduction to physics fsc part 1 inter physics chapter 1. Saleem arshad notes of physics xi for fsc part 1 published by punjab textbook board, lahore. You might not require more become old to spend to go to the books inauguration as competently as search for them. Fsc physics book 2, ch 12 coulombs law electrostatics 12th class physics in this online lecture, sir qasim jalal explains 2nd year physics chapter 12 electrostatics. In this video you will learn what physical quantities are and you will understand that all the physical. Fsc physics book1, ch 1, lec 4 significant digits youtube. Find more elearning material and educational video lectures in urdu at maktab. Do you find urdu a difficult subject or english look problematic to you.
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